Thursday, December 17, 2009

Just a little update

I am sure many of you are wondering what in the world we are still doing at the hospital, so here is a little update. James Thomas' bacterial infection came back as MRSA. This is a bad type of infection to have and is difficult to treat. They have pulled his pic line and replaced it with an IV. This was not a pleasant experience because they blew two veins before they got the new IV in. My poor little baby was screaming and crying. Luckily, I was not here so the wonderful nurses got to tackle that ordeal. The best thing about babies is that they don't remember. James Thomas was playing and smiling within 10 minutes of the procedure.

We are staying here to get antibiotics until Saturday. They will also check his counts Saturday morning to see if he needs a transfusion before we head home. The plan is to wait until after January 1 to put in a port. This will be an outpatient surgery and will go in his chest. They say it has a less likely hood of getting infected and he will be able to bathe with it in. This will make bath time so much more fun at our house!!!! They will give us more details later. Please pray his counts stay good because if they have to transfuse before surgery he will have to get another IV and they are so hard to do with his little veins.

Today Santa came to see James Thomas. He was sleeping so Nancy was able to capture the awesome picture below. This picture is priceless as we will always be able to use it during this special time of year. How fun for him to think Santa was standing over him as a baby. Great job Nancy on capturing the picture.

Two players from the Houston Dynamos also stopped by. The Houston Dynamos are the professional soccer team in town. They absolutely LOVED James Thomas and took pictures with him on their own cameras. SO CUTE! Stuart Holden is one of the players who came by. He spends a lot of time up at Texas Children's visiting the kids. He has been nominated for the Jefferson Award so if you have a free minute go to this website and vote for him!! He is the player dressed as an elf below!

We were supposed to celebrate Christmas this weekend with my family because this is our year with James' side. However, we are up here instead so my mom and dad are on their way to Houston to spend the weekend with us. I am excited to see them. Nancy was a huge help when she was here so they have big shoes to fill!!!!

That is all for now. Our spirits are still good and we have lots to be happy and thankful for. Thank you for all the emails, texts, and notes of encouragement. The chaplain came in yesterday and asked me how do I handle all of this so well? I told her we have the most amazing support group. It is the love from all of you that keep us so positive!



  1. The port sounds very encouraging! We're praying for you guys - enjoy Christmas with your family this weekend! I love the Santa pic - too cute!

  2. SUCHHHHHH a cute pic with Santa!!!!! Jealous my roomie got to see y'all today! LOVE YOU and am praying for you!

  3. The santa pic is awesome and you'll love showing it to him when he's older! i ran into Melissa on Wed and chatted with her about your hospital sleepover! we're praying this infection says adios and fast!

  4. I pray the port works out - so sad he had to get brusied up with the new IV!! Madison has the same pj's and we love them - he's such a cutie!
