today, our world got turned upside down as I heard the words "Diamond Blackfan Anemia" for the very first time. There aren't even the right words to describe all we have gone through and learned this past year. But one thing I know is that life is a precious gift that should be lived to the fullest. I have seen and met more kids with cancer than I could of ever imagined, spent way to many hours at Texans Children's Hospital, and learned more about anemia than I ever cared to know. This year we have traveled to New York to work with the most amazing DBA team in the world, flown to Maine where for the first time we were able to meet others with DBA & form the best support group ever, we have had a failed IVF cycle, and are in the beginning stages of a successful steroid trial. We learned that we have such supportive families, and AMAZING (not the right word) friends! I have learned to step out of my comfort zone and be more assertive when it come to James Thomas' medical care. And dealing with all of this has not put a strain on my marriage but has made me fall more in love with James than I thought possible. I know the only way this has all been possible is by God's love and grace. He has held us this year and now we are able to stand here better people, ready to face another year. I love my son, I love my life, and as much as I would do anything for him not to suffer or deal with all of this crap (excuse my language but it is what it is), I know James Thomas will come out victorious and exactly who God designed him to be! Here are some pictures taken a year ago today. James Thomas was so sick and pale. Look at him a year later, isn't it a miracle?!?!?!

When we entered the hospital on October 15, 2009 James Thomas had to receive 5 blood transfusions just to get his hgb to a safe range for surgery. He was literally dieing and wouldn't be here today without that blood. We will never know whose blood was given to him that week but we will forever be thankful. I know God knows who those donors were and I pray for extra blessings for them, for their lifesaving gift. James Thomas' now has designated donors who donate regularly. Thank you for your gift of life to our son! We appreciate it more than we can express and we will never forget or taken for granted what you do! SO HERE IS MY PLUG, let's all go donate blood. James has always been faithful in his donating of blood but me on the other well NOT SO GOOD! I am pledging now to donate blood this month, will you?????? Here is a picture of James Thomas' first blood transfusion.

This next picture was taken that same week and was probably transfusion #3, how could you not donate blood for a smile like that?

This last picture was taken at Camp Sunshine this summer. Everyone in the picture has Diamond Blackfan Anemia. Look at those beautiful faces. If you think about it, please say an extra prayer for them as they daily fight their fight!

James Thomas,
If you ever read this I hope you know how proud of you we are. God made you extra special and we thank Him for your precious life. You have taught us more than you will know and you are the bravest little boy! You are my hero! Keep up the good fight!
All my love,

PS A little ironic we went to clinic today on the one year anniversary of this adventure.
10-15-09 CBC results
HGB: 3.0
Retic: 0.1%
10-15-10 CBC results
HGB: 13.2 (yes 10 pts higher)
Retic: 1.2% (this is in the normal range)