Two weekends ago we packed up the car and headed out to our good college friend's ranch in Columbus. We had no idea what to expect but were completely blown away. There is a little piece of paradise off of 71 in the middle of no where that is truly amazing. Robin and Dave were the best hosts ever and we appreciate them inviting us. James Thomas had a blast and we can't wait to take him back next year. They have an air conditioned tree house, a beach, swimming pool, swings, tractors, you name it they had it. We also got to see some of our other great Baylor friends as well as meet new people. We are already excited about next summer so we can go back and stay a lot longer. Thank you Robin and Dave for an awesome getaway.
James Thomas LOVES organizing things and carry stuff back and forth over and over again. It is pretty funny to watch. The other day I was unloading the wash and not 5 seconds later I had a little helper. He had a blast putting the wet laundry into the dryer. I grabbed my camera so in a few years I can remind him that he LOVES doing laundry!!!!! It is so fun to watch him grow up and learn new things.
We joined Gymboree when James Thomas was 11 months old and he absolutely loves it. The first time we went he cried when we walked in. He thought it was another nursery and that I was about to leave. Once he realized that Mommy wasn't going anywhere, he opened up and really dove into all the activities. He has progressed so well and I really think he is learning a lot from our time here. 3.5 months later I realize that I have never brought my camera to catch the little guy in action, so here are some pictures from Gymboree.
The last three pictures are of James Thomas practicing his flexibility at home. I just walked in the kitchen and he was doing that!!! TOO FUNNY
A very dear friend of mine, Mrs. Amanda Yokum, just updated the praying for James Thomas and Luke buttons. What a special treat for us. I can't believe how much these boys have grown. It is amazing to watch them learn and try new things every day. Thank you Amanda for doing this. It means so much!
James and I really appreciate all the prayers. God is hearing the cry of His people and watching over us. James Thomas is on week 4 of his steroid trial and has shown a response thus far. 80% of DBA kids show a response initially, so now we get to the tricky part. Over the next few months we will lower James Thomas' dose. We need his body to still respond until we get to a long term, healthy dose. About 40% of DBA kids are able to do this. Please pray that James Thomas is in that group!!!!!
We are right in the middle of the IVF stuff. I am starting to get really anxious about there being a strong embryo that is an HLA match. All I can do is turn it over to God but boy am I nervous!!! Prayers in this area of our life would be greatly appreciated too.
Again, I know we wouldn't be in the place we are today if it weren't for all our faithful family, friends, and friends of friends covering us with prayer. Thank you!
We have been doing a lot of traveling around the Garrett household but now we are back in Houston for a little while. I have wanted to post some of these pics for a long time.
Nancy had a great idea when James Thomas was born. She said that every year I should take a picture of James Thomas in one of James' work shirts. It would be really cute to watch him grow into it as he becomes a young man. Well, we have our birth and age 1 shots!
James Thomas has been obsessed with the outdoors lately. I can't wait for Fall to get here when everything cools down. He got a sand and water table for his birthday from Mimi and Papaw, and loves playing in it. Swinging is another one of his favorites right now and once he gets in, you can't get him out. We have had a lot of fun lately!
Cliff and Sarah got married this past weekend at Palmetto Bluff in South Carolina. Palmetto Bluff is a little peace of heaven on Earth. They had a beautiful southern wedding surrounded by their closest friends and family. It was perfect! We are so happy they moved back to Houston!!!! Congratulations Cliff and Sarah!
This is the chapel they got married in!!
While in South Carolina we had the best little get away. We got to ride bikes, James saw dolphins while kayaking, we went to Hilton Head one morning, and enjoyed relaxing as a family. It was a much needed vacation for me!!!!
We are on week 3 of our steroid trial. I am very hopeful and optimistic that James Thomas will show a response. He is handling the steroids very well and the side effects have been minimal. That alone is answered prayer. If you think about us when praying, please continue to lift up James Thomas' trial to the Lord. We know that the steroids can work for us!
Thank you for funding research in the hopes that someday James Thomas will be cured! The price includes all taxes and shipping.
Donations to Diamond Blackfan Anemia
If you do not want to order a cookbook but would still like to donate to this wonderful organization, you can donate here! Every dollar is used to fund research to someday find a cure or better treatments for DBA!
James and I were married on December 4, 2004 in the hill country. We have lived in Houston ever since. I just finished up my teaching career at the best school ever, B.Bush Elementary. James graduated from U of H law school and started his new job in November. Our family has recently grown as we welcomed James Thomas into this world. He is an absolute joy and the best thing we have ever done. I am so in love and thank God for our gift every day. In October he was diagnosed with Diamond Blackfan Anemia. DBA is a rare blood disorder where the bone marrow fails to produce red blood cells. He is currently transfusion dependent and we will try a steroid trial sometime in the Fall. We have so many wonderful friends and family who care so much and are blessed to be able to share this blog with all of them.