We started the summer off with James Thomas' birthday. We had a little party in Houston in May so on June 4th we went to Nachogdoches to celebrate and watch Michael graduate from high school! It was a fun weekend.
Birthday breakfast for champions!
First picture of James Thomas as a 2 year old!
Birthday festivities included lots of swimming!
James Thomas' favorite thing to do in the pool is to be thrown high!
Who doesn't love a naked, baby bum.
We got to see Papa on James Thomas' birthday too! Very special time.
We have stayed busy having lots of fun this summer. We took many trips to the pool, had lots of play dates, road Bailey like a horse, and even road the train a few times. James Thomas was lucky enough to be with Luke and Sam on their first train ride. I am sure that was just the first of many for our special friends! Oh and did I forget to mention a few 2 year old tantrums??? We had those too!
We also celebrated my sister in law, whom is also a dear, college friend's 30th birthday! It was a great night to celebrate such an awesome person!