We celebrated James Thomas' birthday 3 weeks early this year at Noah's Ark Pool. I went to book his party in March and crazy enough the entire month of June was already completely booked. That is the beauty of a 2 year old, they have no idea when their birthday really is so May 14th seemed like a perfect day! JT had a blast splashing around and playing with great friends. The day was perfect and so much fun! I can't believe my baby is almost 2 years old! Where has the time gone?
Medically things are kind of iffy right now. James Thomas has been on steroids since late July and they have been working beautifully. Three weeks ago we had our first dip in his hgb. He was still in the normal range so we decided to leave everything alone and check in 2 weeks. Last Friday we went in and his hgb had dropped more, his retic was 0.5% (this is the very low end of the normal range), and for the first time his platelets were below normal. I just had an appointment for labs but Dr. B came out and talked with me in the transfusion area. We decided to raise his steroid dose and have an office visit this Friday. We are really nervous about all of this right now. We really hope his retic will go up by Friday. Even with all this going on James Thomas is still doing great. He hasn't missed a beat and is a very active little boy! We really couldn't ask for more from him. He is a true blessing!!!!
I will update on Friday after our appointment.