James Thomas is 8 months old today! Where has the time gone??? These past eight months have been the most life altering but amazing months of my entire life. James and I are so thankful for JT and we cherish each and every month with him.
We have had a great week. This past weekend we went to Austin and saw lots of family. We had lunch with the Garretts and then went to my Grandmother's house to celebrate her birthday. Lots of them had never met James Thomas so it was a very emotional and special weekend. James and I had some fun too going out with my brother, Sarah, and the Heersinks. It is always nice to get out and have grown up time without the baby!
This week we spent two days at clinic because James Thomas had a fever. Anytime they have a line and get fever you have to have IV antibiotics. I knew it was just a cold because I have it too but they said we have to be extra careful with our little guy. So, we spent Tuesday and Wednesday at TCH. They accessed his port for the first time and James Thomas didn't even cry!!! I was very nervous for this day to come but it was easy easy easy! I am so proud of James Thomas and his strength! While we were there we met a girl who is on American Idol this season. She is a cancer survivor and was treated at TCH. I can't wait to follow her and see how she does. Pretty neat!
We are doing Tiny Tots and Tunes at Second Baptist. James Thomas loves all the singing and the bubbles. It is a lot of fun for him and great quality time for me.
James Thomas was diagnosed with DBA at 4 months of age and here we are 4 months later. These past 4 months have been a lot crazier than his first but we are doing great! James and I have learned more medical terms than we would like but we are going strong and fighting hard! The next four months should be fairly easy as we will just be doing transfusions and allowing his body to grow as much as possible.
I have posted some pics of JT today! I can't believe how fast he has grown. He is sitting up perfectly and trying to crawl. It won't be too much longer before I am chasing him around the house. I better enjoy the next few weeks or days!!!!!